Sql Developer For Mac Os Catalina

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Question or issue on macOS:

I downloaded the Oracle SQLDeveloper, but when I opened it, it said that it requires a minimum of Java 8 and gave me the website for the download. I went on and downloaded Java 10.0.1, but when I went back on to open SQL, it continued saying it required a minimum of Java 8.

I checked that the Java 10.0.1 had installed correctly, and I’m pretty sure it has. It shows up in System Preferences and when clicked, it opens the Java Control Panel fine.

I had also found someone recommending trying this command:

After trying this in the Terminal, I ended up with command not found.

I’m on a MacOS X El Captain 10.11.6.

How to solve this problem?


Solution no. 1:

The post above is right: SQLDeveloper only runs under Java 8.

This is counter-intuitive as other programs runs under at least X version of a software (not only X version). I kept downloading Java 11 with no luck.

After 1 failed attempt a month ago and two hours of searching today, I found this easy fix worked for me.


  1. Delete the following Java files and folders on your mac.

    • /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin
    • /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/(delete current java folder)
  2. Download and install Java 8.

  3. Launch SQLDeveloper.

Solution no. 2:

SQL Developer runs this which checks for java 9 then 8. We don’t yet support (lack of a ton of testing) java 10. You went to new for us. Back up to 8 or 9 and should be fine.

We use /usr/libexec/java_home which allows us to specify which version of java we’d like to run. So even if you have N javas installed, it should return the highest one that was passed in with flags.

Solution no. 3:

If you check the download page (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html) it says JDK8 required. I don’t think it supports Java 9 or 10. Many programs still don’t.

As for the command you tried it is for Windows, there is no c:Program Files on MacOS. It should be enough to run java -version.


You may want to check how you can run multiple Java versions, see Mac OS X and multiple Java versions. It is a bit messy, but sooner or later you will need it!

Solution no. 4:

You have to set the Java home. Please follow the steps given below.

  • find the installation directory by right-clicking the OracledataModeler icon and “Show Package Content” this will show you the installation directory on a Mac

  • Go to the (installation directoy for example ) /Users/user directory/Downloads/OracleDataModeler.app/Contents/Resources/datamodeler/datamodeler/bin

  • edit the datamodeler.conf file in the datamodelerdatamodelerbin directory and add SetJavaHome. (e.g. SetJavaHome /usr/lib/jdk18)

  • SetJavaHome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home

  • Start the SQL data modeler from (installation directory) /Users/user directory/Downloads/OracleDataModeler.app/Contents/Resources/datamodeler/datamodeler.sh

Solution no. 5:

Working solution for Mac running macOS Catalina 10.12.5 with openjdk 11 and SQLDeveloper

Edit /Applications/SQLDeveloper.app/Contents/MacOS/sqldeveloper.sh:

  1. Delete all the code before export JAVA_HOME=$TMP_PATH
  2. Change export JAVA_HOME=$TMP_PATH to export
  3. Start SQLDeveloper

If macOS complains about the files being downloaded from the internet call xattr -d com.apple.quarantine <filename>.

Incidentally I saw /Applications/SQLDeveloper.app/Contents/Resources/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin/jdk.conf has instructions for setting the java home by uncommenting and specifying SetJavaHome but that didn’t work for me.

Solution no. 6:

If OpenJDK would work for you, and you are already using/willing to use Homebrew, AdoptOpenJDK works for me:

Sql Developer For Mac Os Catalina

I have not tested this thoroughly, but at the very least I am able to bring up SQL Developer, connect to a database, and run queries on it.

It did not work if I tried to use their instructions to install the “latest” version: brew cask install adoptopenjdk, as this seems to install OpenJDK 12.x as of May 2019.

There are other methods to install OpenJDK, but this was an easy one.

Solution no. 7:

Previously, only JDK 8 worked with Oracle SQL Developer.

But, per https://www.oracle.com/tools/downloads/sqldev-v192-downloads.html, JDK 8 or 11 are required. (there is some misleading documentation that says JDK 8 or higher, but it must be 8 or 11). Also, per Oracle, JDK 11.0.7 is certified for Mac OS Catalina.

JDK 11 certification: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/products-doc-jdk11certconfig.html

Pl sql developer mac

JDK Certifications: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-subscription/documentation.html#sysconfig

When I only had JDK 14 installed, it wouldn’t run. It looked like it was going to, but wouldn’t even start. You will need to give permission for it to run as it is still not an Apple approved app. (Ctrl-click, then Open, supposedly works & saves your setting, but after so many changes trying to get this to work, I can’t promise).

Solution no. 8:

I have the same problem with MacOS Big Sur, Java 8. Clicking on the icon doesn’t work. This command from terminal starts the application. sh /Applications/SQLDeveloper.app/Contents/MacOS/sqldeveloper.sh

Solution no. 9:

Sql Developer For Mac Os Catalina Dmg

I had the same problem, and none of the above solutions worked for me. I am running MacOS 10.14.5

Instead, I had to uninstall Java12 which I had installed via home brew, and sqlDeveloper. After uninstalling and deleting both, I installed Java8 JDK directly from the oracle website via download, and then I reinstalled sqlDeveloper. After wasting three hours trying to get this to work, this set of steps finally did the trick. I hope this helps others.

Solution no. 10:

After unzipping the mac sqldeveloper.zip file, you will find the SQLDeveloper.app file.

Copy the SQLDeveloper.app to Applications folder. Later execute the below command in terminal.

Sql Server Mac Os

Hope this helps!